Our Dear Friend Betty

Betty is a total standout at Hi-Hope. She is kind and warm and welcoming. Here is a bit about Betty so we all get to know her a little better.

Betty was born and raised in New Delhi and is a quick conversationalist when it comes to the delights on Indian desserts, especially gulab jamun. Ever the intrepid traveler, Betty's dream is to one day visit France to learn about the people and the local culture.

Betty is a big fan of the science fiction and action genre when it comes to film. She likes X-Files and has spent quite a bit of time chatting with Volunteer Coordinator Nick about their favorite episodes. She also likes the shows Supernatural and Flash. Her favorite movie is Back to the Future, which we think makes Betty AMAZING! Speaking of the arts, if you want to boogie down with Betty, your best bet is to crank up the pop music, especially Backstreet Boys.

Her favorite holiday is the Fourth of July because she loves the flags and fireworks. Thankfully, Hi-Hope has a great relationship with the LongHorn Steakhouse near the Mall of Georgia who helps us put on a fantastic 4th party. 

Speaking of Hi-Hope, Betty really enjoys the parties we throw, especially the annual Christmas party and individual birthday parties. She also likes shopping, but doesn't think that's anything special. "Everybody does shopping," she says. She is particularly fond of our DSP Kalandra. She reflects, "she is a good teacher and nice. She teaches me money skills and I am learning a lot."

When asked why she likes Hi-Hope, Betty said, "when I first started I met people like Ms. Linda, Janis, Kim, all the different staff and I just knew I would like it." We sure are glad she did because Hi-Hope simply wouldn't be the same without our Betty.