The Results Are In...

In our last blog post, we wrote about the upcoming elections for Hi-Hope Client Council. Well, the elections happened on Wednesday, June 13 and the results are in! Director of Day Services, Adria Wiggins, has this to say:

Over the last few weeks our candidates used their creativity to develop their campaign strategies. They created signs/posters, met with their peers and, of course, offered them some treats (for example, Jell-O, freeze pops, etc.). Ballots were cast today. Our individuals had the opportunity to select the candidates of their choice with some visual supports and assistance from staff. 

Hi-Hope staff prepared for the elections well in advance to make the experience interactive and to simulate an authentic election experience. For example, individuals cast their votes in a ballot box and received an "I voted for Hi-Hope Council" sticker when they finished (a special thanks to volunteer Maureen for creating the stickers).

Communication Support Shari Durand issued the following summary after the elections:

This year we had 23 candidates: 10 for President, 6 for Vice President, 2 for Secretary, 3 for Treasurer and 2 for Sargent-at-Arms. On May 18, 2018 we held the Client Council interest meeting and after explaining the different offices to the group, the facilitators noted which individuals wanted to run for a special office. The following 3.5 weeks were full of campaigning and learning about the electoral process. On June 13, 2018, the elections were held. Individuals were provided with ballots, large pictures, communication devices and time to make their selection. 74 separate ballots, 326 individual votes/choices were made and completed... It was a great turn out, with every individual making choices from among their peers!

The title of this blog entry is "the results are in..." and indeed they are. Without further ado, here are the election results:

President - Robyn J.

Vice President - Natalie F.

Secretary - Amanda H.

Treasurer - Donna W.

Sargent-at-Arms - Jim P.

Congratulations to all the winners and their opponents who participated in the process. Everyone should be proud of their efforts and take pleasure in knowing that they brought the beauty and elegance of a fair and honest democratic election to life at Hi-Hope. Three cheers for everyone involved. Hip hip hooray...