Meet Our Newest Alumni!


In January, we decided to introduce a 6-week cooking course open for all of our individuals to join. The course was implemented to complement our existing Hi-Hope Cooking Club and is led by our long-time volunteer, Doreen Hyde. Over the 6 weeks, Doreen’s curriculum gives our individuals a more in depth look into cooking safety, ingredient preparation and introduces participants to a variety of foods all while learning the importance of nutrition, healthy eating and making good decisions in the kitchen!

We recently celebrated our second graduating class and presented them with certificates and their very own personalized Hi-Hope aprons.

It was such a joy watching the graduates share their accomplishment with family and staff, discussing their favorite meal to make and making plans to attend future cooking club meetings in the future.

Hi-Hope’s philosophy is “person-centered”. We wholeheartedly strive to ensure that each individual is engaged in activities that are important to and important for them, and we can’t wait to introduce the next group of cooking connoisseurs!  Congrats Grads!

Our 2nd Hi-Hope Cooking Course graduates! (From L to R: Kimberly M., Deborah J., Patsy R., Betty P., Sue C.)

Our 2nd Hi-Hope Cooking Course graduates! (From L to R: Kimberly M., Deborah J., Patsy R., Betty P., Sue C.)